Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama's DOJ maintains Bush position in torture suit

Dear Mr. President,

The natives are restless.

We're picking up some real static on this decision the government's so-called "state secrets privilege," which lets intelligence agencies bar the use of evidence in court cases that threaten national security. The ACLU, libertal magazines, latte-drinking liberals and some folks deeply concerned about justice are complaining, calling it a 180-degree reversal, a breaking of a campaign position.

Their quoting your own words, at:

Why would you want to cover-up Bush's war crimes, like this case of the torture of Binyam Mohamed?

The 'left-wing,' of your supporters are wanting some goodies. Executive orders on torture and Gitmo all good but now here's the first real deal. What's the story?

Your stalwart supporter,

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