Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Good luck on your 1st speech tonight in front of all of Congress.

In order to avoid fighting false wars for false reasons I urge you to consider the information below.

"If we're not dead yet, it's time to wake up."
citizenbfk, commenting on Press Release, below

Yesterday A.C.T. (American Citizens Together) published online in it’s weekly Political Action News the accusation that ISIS (Institute for Science and International Security

Last week's report by ISIS about Iran WMD and it's testimony at the Foreign Affairs Committee killed the truth and falsely spread lies and fear.

Also a report revealing the sources of a prime piece of false intel used to falsely justify the Iraq War was put online, revealing who from the Bush era Office of the Secretary of Defense and who from within the U.S. intelligence community created and planted the Niger uranium forgeries -- the forged documents claiming that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger.

See report at: http://www.americancitizenstogether.org/ACT/thesmokinggun/thesmokinggun.html

Saturday, February 14, 2009

DOJ blocking trial involving war crimes

(clarrification & addition info re: post below: Also sent to White House)

Mr. President,

This is my first input to you and your Administration.

First off, congratulations on your victory. I was a very avid supporter during your long campaign. Although my online cash contribution could only be small compared to others, I’m sure; I lobbied friends, family, neighbors and neighborhoods; I express support extensively online; I defended you and your positions. I advocated your election.

You have already done many wonderful things with all your Executive Orders.

But I'm getting some flack from friends now teasing me because of the DOJ action maintaining Bush Position in the 'Extraordinary Rendition' Lawsuit in the case of the torture of Binyam Mohamed.

It seems to deny justice and protect war crimes under the false guise of protecting 'national security"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama's DOJ maintains Bush position in torture suit

Dear Mr. President,

The natives are restless.

We're picking up some real static on this decision the government's so-called "state secrets privilege," which lets intelligence agencies bar the use of evidence in court cases that threaten national security. The ACLU, libertal magazines, latte-drinking liberals and some folks deeply concerned about justice are complaining, calling it a 180-degree reversal, a breaking of a campaign position.

Their quoting your own words, at: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/02/10/obama/

Why would you want to cover-up Bush's war crimes, like this case of the torture of Binyam Mohamed?

The 'left-wing,' of your supporters are wanting some goodies. Executive orders on torture and Gitmo all good but now here's the first real deal. What's the story?

Your stalwart supporter,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Republicans Wake Up on Wrong Side of the Bedrock

Maybe not realizing they suffered a substantial repudiation to their policies Republicans have been criticizing President Obama in these first two weeks of his new administration as if we cared. And the mainstream media has continued to cover such criticisms as if either they were news or they were valid.

But Obama scored a victory for his Economic Stimulus Bill in the Senate today. A version passed the House last week. Here are the words that really mean something:

“It is inexcusable and irresponsible to get bogged down in distraction and delay while millions of Americans are being put out of work, Americans, did not want to turn back to the same tried and failed approaches that were rejected in the last election.”