Saturday, February 14, 2009

DOJ blocking trial involving war crimes

(clarrification & addition info re: post below: Also sent to White House)

Mr. President,

This is my first input to you and your Administration.

First off, congratulations on your victory. I was a very avid supporter during your long campaign. Although my online cash contribution could only be small compared to others, I’m sure; I lobbied friends, family, neighbors and neighborhoods; I express support extensively online; I defended you and your positions. I advocated your election.

You have already done many wonderful things with all your Executive Orders.

But I'm getting some flack from friends now teasing me because of the DOJ action maintaining Bush Position in the 'Extraordinary Rendition' Lawsuit in the case of the torture of Binyam Mohamed.

It seems to deny justice and protect war crimes under the false guise of protecting 'national security"

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