Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Defended You (again)

There was trash talk on an Arizona News Forum about you being the 'worst,' president when IN FACT you're doing a-okay.

So I wrote: QUOTE:"President Obama is one of the best president's we've had in our lifetime. You have to be pretty brain dead to listen to, believe, or POST anything about ACORN (that was in the trash talk post) -- esp. in this article which has NOTHING to do with that. But that is the main Tea Party, racist and brain dead anti-Obama tactic: just say any dumb negative word that comes to mind: Hitler! Stalin! Socialism! Communism! Government Spending! Blah. Blah. Blah. The real worst threat to our country, if these brain dead red necks don't realize it, is that they may win back some power. And we could all go down the tube in their Disneyland Crazy Christian Zionist Jello Pudding Paradise.

Friday, August 20, 2010

President Announces He's Christian

Because of a recent poll indicating more people were starting to think the you were a 'secret Muslim,' - you made this announcement (again) today.

That's understandable. You get hassled for belong to a somewhat 'wild,' Black Gospel Christian church; now hassle for being a 'secret Muslim.' -- It is necessary to set the record straight.

But there should be no mistake about it: Attacks on this project are fascism from A to Z. It's good to see the project leaders of the 'Not-at-Ground-Zero,' Islamic Center are standing up to these threats and protests. Info about the protest.

America’s core beliefs. The Big Lie starts with thinking 9/11 was done by Muslims. That is like saying the WW2 attack at Pearl Harbor was by Buddhist.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anti-Mosque Fascism

"This is America," Obama said, "and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are."

Well said. In some nation democracy means 2/3 the people vote to beat up the 1/3 minority. The USA has a Constitution that protect what we call our 'inalienable rights,' even is a hateful majority or foaming at the mouth Media wants to take them away.

We can wave what every silly sign -- or carry any significant message we want, but we can't beat people to death with them.

What is so true and so important to grasp is that this is the classic first step of fascism; a mob attack a minority. Who's next? - Pretty soon it will be you, or me.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Keep Up the Good Work. (Despite Hostile Press)

The overwhelming bulk of our News is not good. Maybe that's the nature of the news or of 24/7 TV that needs something to say and their mindset is: "If it bleeds, it leads."

Most of our mainstream news now corrosive and toxic - this ain't no 'Fourth Estate,' of revolutionary France where the press was consider a source of truth and the average persons' interests.

Now it appears the interests of Big Business and war profiteers dominate. Now a reporter is someone who can read a fax from the Pentagon and cut and paste it into the 'news.'

I can't imagine how difficult your job is, maybe the toughest in the world. You do get stuck in a 'Media & DC bubble," where people poll and attack your every move but I hope you can keep it in your heart and see and known the majority of the real people of this nation appreciate you and your work -- I hope you see that when you travel about.

Of course the news will always pick out the one worst event or comment, but everyone I know would be honored to meet you. You carry all our hopes and ideals.

Keep up the good work.